[CS1] Design Templates
Templates in Component Studio are anything inside of braces.
{ }
You can use templates anywhere you can type in text within a design. So you can use them on the Text field of the Add Text step, or the color field of an Add Box step.
Template Language Features
Inside of a template, you can perform basic math functions like so:
{ 2 + 2 }
And the output in the rendered image will of course be 4.
You could also insert a string of text
Hello { 'Jim' }
Which would output Hello Jim. Note that when you have a string of text it must apear inside a pair of half quotes ('text') or quotes ("text").
You can also use component variables like this:
{ $name }
And system variables like this:
{ $_.width }
You might even use two or more templates and variables within the same text box to create madlibs like this:
The { $adjective } { $animal } took a bite out of {$person}'s apple.
And even functions like this:
{ ucfirst('jim') }
And you can combine variables and functions like this:
{ ucfirst($name) }
Or even get into fancy programmer stuff like ternary conditions like this:
{ $alert == 'red' ? 'white' : 'black' }
There are many operators that allow you to do fancy things. For example, if you need to concatenate 2 strings together, do this:
{ 'Armor ' ~ $armor }