[CS1] Twirl

Rotate your component 180 degrees. These are all the properties of Twirl and what they do:

Basic Properties


A label that you can use to easily identify this step.

Advanced Properties

Conditionally Render

Allows you to turn off this step programatically. If this field has any contents, then it will be processed by the template engine. If after processing the field has any value other than empty or 0, It will render. If it is empty or 0, it will not render, much the same as if you had disabled it.


This is typically used for trivia games where you want to write the answers up side down. So you'll design your card as normal, but then you'll add a twirl step, and then write your answers. You could use the "rotate" property on the text, but a lot of people have a hard time thinking upside down. This avoids that confusion by letting you just twirl the image and continue your work.

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