[CS2] Game Manager
Games are the basic root in Component.Studio 2. Thing of them like a "project" that collects all the elements of your game in one place.
The Games Screen
To manage your games, go to the Games screen by clicking "Games" in the black header bar at the top of your screen after logging in.
This screen shows the games that you currently have in Component Studio 2.
Creating a Game
Click the large green button at the top to create a new game.
Deleting a Game
To delete a game, click on the red trash can icon next to the game's name.
Editing a Game
To edit a game, click on its name in the list of games. This launches the Game Manager screen. If you want to jump right to the game's properties to rename it hit the gear icon.
Click on the blue cardboard box icon to create a backup of your game. You can restore or upload a backup by using the large blue restore game backup button at the top of the screen. Restoring a backup does not overwrite an existing game. Instead it gives you a new copy of the game.